L'Egypte au present : inventaire d'une societe avant revolution / sous la direction de Vincent Battesti et Franًcois Ireton. - Arles : [Paris] : Actes sud ; Sindbad, c2011. - 1179 p. : ill., 1 map ; 23 cm. - Bibliotheque arabe. Hommes et societes .

Includes bibliographical references.



Egypt--Civilization--21st century.
Egypt--Economic policy--21st century.
Egypt--History--21st century.
Egypt--History--Protests, 2011.
Egypt--Politics and government--21st century.
Egypt--Social conditions--21st century.
Egypt--Social life and customs--21st century.

Egypt - Contemporary social, economic and political outlook - 21st century.

DT107.87 / .E375 2011
