Clinical orthopaedics and related research. - Philadelphia : Lippincott - v. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Monthly, - Eight issues per year, 1963- Ten issues a year, - Began with: No. 26, published in 1963.

Chemical abstracts 0009-2258 -1988

Sponsored: Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons; Hip Society, and: Knee Society,

No. 26-no. 36. 1 v.; No. 37-no. 42 in no. 43; No. 43-no. 48 in no. 49.

Some issues have supplements.

0009-921X = Clinical orthopaedics and related research = Clin. orthop. relat. res.


Orthopedic surgery--Periodicals.
Chirurgie orthopâedique--Pâeriodiques.

RD701 / .C55