Okawa, Ryuho, 1956-

アダム. スミス霊言による「新.国富論」= Adamu sumisu reigen ni yoru shin kokufuron = Adam Smith spirits saying "New Wealth of Nations" / Adam Smith spirits saying "New Wealth of Nations". Adam Smith. Adamu sumisu reigen ni yoru shin kokufuron. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Ryuh̄o ̄Ok̄awa - Tok̄yo ̄: Kof̄ukunokagakushuppan, 2010. - 199 p. ; 20 cm. - OR books .

1920030013001 4863950535 9784863950535

Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.

Kof̄uku no Kagaku (Organization)--Spiritual life.

Economics--Religious aspects--Buddhism.
Free enterprise.
Spiritual life.
Spiritual life--Buddhism.
Spiritual life--Miscellanea.