Abdelrahman Essa Abdelnaby

Studies on the interaction between phyllosphere microflora and helminthosporium SP.the causal organism of maize leaf spots and blights / دراسة التفاعل بين ميكروفلورا الفلوسفير وقطر هلمنثوسبوريم المسبب لتبقعات ولفحة اوراق الذرة الشامية Abdelrahman Essa Abdelnaby ; Supervised Mohamed Zakaria Sedik , Galal Mahmod Khalaf Allah , Ali Zein Elabedeen Mohamed - Cairo : Abdelrahman Essa Abdelnaby , 2008 - 95P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Microbiology

CornCzea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops all over the world leaf blight disease caused by helminthosporium turcicum is an important foliar disease of maize in temperate areas of the world seven strains obtained from 7 governorates in Egypt

Helminthosporium Maize Natural plant oils