Reem Sultan Abou_ Srea

Effect of Laser and Solar Photosensitization Processes on the Fungi Causing Tinea Unguium / دراسة عمليات الحث الضوئى بالليزر واشعة الشمس على الفطريات المسببة لعدوى تينيا الاظافر Reem Sultan Abou Srea ; Supervised Mahmoud Hashem Abd El Kader , Hisham Ali Shokeir , Amira Abdou EIAdly - Cairo : Reem Sultan Abou Srea , 2005 - 115L ; ill ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institue Of Laser - Department Of Laser Application In Medical and Biological

this thesis , the occurrence , distribution and prevalence of dermatophyte and non - dermatophyte in sixty patients from El - Houd El - Marsoud hospital (Cairo , Egypt) were examinedFour fungi were isolatedCandida albicans was the most dominant species followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus sppThe distribution of the isolated species among the different sites of lesion (tinea unguium , tinea pedis , and onycomycosis) was examinedThe effect of radiation on spore germination of the photosensitized fungi was testedThree types of radiations were used namely , solar simulator light , sunlight and He - Ne laserThe examined photosensitizer was crystal violetThe laser and solar simulator light induced effects ranged from death of the tested fungi to partial inhibition depending on fungal species , the type of radiation , exposure time , fluence rate and concentration of photosensitizerCalbicans was more sensitive to photosensitization process than the other tested fungi

Fungi Laser Phot - sensitizer