The Temple of Dendera Wonders of the Zodiac [electronic resource] / Center for Documentation for Culture and Natural Heritage. - Giza, Egypt : The Center For Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, 2008. - 1 CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in.

"Dendera Temple" Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) 2008 The DVD offers a visit to the best preserved temple of Dendera. You will enjoy the temple that was dedicated to the cow goddess Hathor. She was the goddess of motherhood, fertility, agriculture, joy, love and music. She was also a sky-goddess and a goddess of the underworld. The visit will show you the temple columns with capitals in the form of the head of Hathor. Besides visiting the different structures of the temple, you will enjoy the two unique astronomical scenes, first is the rectangular zodiac in the ceiling of the hypostyle hall and second is the famous circular zodiac. The circular Zodiac of Dendera is considered the oldest complete sky representation in history. It shows clearly the different known constellations of the sky. Author: Ziad Ewais: Noor Salama: Karim Omar: Mohamed Khalil.

All General.

System requirements for DOS version: IBM PC-AT or 100% compatible; 420KB RAM; 2 MB hard disk space available; MS-DOS 3.3 or higher; CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD extensions 2.1 or higher.
System requirements for Windows version: IBM PC-AT or 100% compatible; minimum 640KB RAM; minimum 2 MB hard disk space available (6MB for sound); Windows 3.1 or higher; CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD extensions 2.1 or higher; Soundblaster v. 2.0 or higher for sound (optional); Hayes compatible phone modem for ON-LINE, auto dialer support (optional).

Dendara, Egypt. Temple of Hathor.

Inscriptions, Egyptian--Egypt--Dandara.