Yan and the Japanese people : video skits from the Japanese language course, Let's learn Japanese, basic I = ヤンさんと日本の人々 : テレビ日本語講座初級 I スキツト / 国際交流基金ビデオ敎材 /
Let's learn Japanese, basic I Video skits from the Japanese language course Yan-san to Nihon no Hitobito : terebi Nihongo koz̄a, shokyu ̄I skitto ヤンさんと日本の人々 : テレビ日本語講座初級 I スキツト / 国際交流基金ビデオ敎材.
Produced by The Japan Foundation = Yan-san to Nihon no Hitobito : terebi Nihongo koz̄a, shokyu ̄I skitto / Kokusai Kor̄yu ̄Kikin bideo kyoz̄ai.
- 1st ed.
- Tokyo: The Japan Foundation, 1984.
- 109p : ill. ; 26 cm.
- Let's learn Japanese, basic I. .
Based entirely on the broadcasts of Radio Japan's let's learn Japanese series.
1. Basic conversation skills.
Text and 1 scenario in Japanese, teacher's manual and 1 scenario in English and Japanese.
4770017111 : $15.00
Japanese language--Films for English speakers. Japanese language--Sound recordings for foreign speakers. Japanese language--Spoken Japanese. Japanese language--Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids. Japanese language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--English.