How to use good Japanese = Tadashii Nihongo, Kokusai Gakuyuk̄ai Nihongo Gakko ̄hen = 正しい日本語/國際学友会日本語学校編 / Tadashii Nihongo, Kokusai Gakuyuk̄ai Nihongo Gakko ̄hen 正しい日本語/國際学友会日本語学校編. The Japanese Language School of the International Students Institute, Japan = ; ; Kokusai Gakuyuk̄ai (Japan). Nihongo Gakko.̄ - 1st ed. - 國際学友会, Tok̄yo ̄: Kokusai Gakuyuk̄ai, Show̄a 54, c[1979]. - 134, 27p. ; 21 cm.

In English and Japanese.

Chinese characters--Study and teaching--English speakers.--Japan
Chinese characters--Japan.
Japanese language--English.--Textbooks for foreign speakers
Japanese language--Conversation and phrase books--English.
Japanese language--Study and teaching--English speakers.

PL528 / .F48 1979
