Methodolgy and performance assessment of spect in triple detectors gamma camera in phantom and evaluate it , s clinical applications /
دراسة الطرق الفيزيائية التى تؤثر فى كفاءة وجودة الجاما كاميرا ذات الثلاث رؤؤس باستخدام دلائل معملية وتقييم فائدتها للمرضى
Shaban Abd El Hamed ElSaid ElRamlawy ; supervised Wafaa Muhammad Khalil , Gaber Ali Ziada , Alia Hassan Abd El Fattah
- Cairo : Shaban Abd El Hamed ElSaid ElRamlawy , 2004
- 174P : ill , diagrs ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Biophysics
Nuclear medical imaging is a generic term that covers many imaging techniques , with the common theme being that ionizing radiation originating from within the body is detected and imaged in order to determine something about the physiology or anatomy of the subject [5 , 6 , 10 - 12]With SPECT , a biologically active compound (iea drug) is introduced into the body (in trace quantities) either by injection or inhalationThis compound then accumulates in the patient and the pattern of its subsequent radioactive emissions is used to estimate the distribution of the radioisotope and hence of the tracer compoundThe radioisotopes used for SPECT are gamma ray emitters with onochromatic emissions between 60 keV and 511 keV , with the 140 keV emissions from 99mTc being the most common
Clinical applications Methodolgy and performance SPECT Triple detectors gamma camera