Biology : Darwin and Evolution [electronic resource] /
علم الكائنات الحية : داروين والتطور [electronic resource]
Bibliotheque Alexandrie
, Computer File
- Alexandria: Bibliotheque Alexandrie : 2012-
- CD-ROM : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
- HORZONS : Exploration in Science Old and New .
Bilogy: What was the story of life on earth? Who created modern bilogy? What did mendel and darwin actually say? Why was the discovey of DNA such a momentous achievement? How do we organize the enormous diversity of life we see everywhere? Can we actually create an encyclopedia covering all life forms on earth? These are some of the questions we cover in our search for a better understanding og biology Darwin and Evolution : Darwin remains the paramount figure in biology. His theory of evolution based on natural selection and his concept of the tree of life have become central tenets of biology. Evolution is the overarching theory of biology without which we cannot explain either how we have been breeding plants and animals, or how microbes and pests acquire resistance against medicines and pesticides. This episode features darwin , his work and the wor; of his islamic predecessors. Explorations in science old and new: A TV series of 25-minute episodes prepared and presented by small serageldin (Available in Arabic and English) There is a copy of it in Arabic.
All General.
System requirements for Windows version: IBM PC-AT or 100% compatible; minimum 640KB RAM; minimum 2 MB hard disk space available (6MB for sound); Windows 3.1 or higher; CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD extensions 2.1 or higher; Soundblaster v. 2.0 or higher for sound (optional); Hayes compatible phone modem for ON-LINE, auto dialer support (optional).
Biology--Congress. Evolution (Biology)--Congress. Genomics. Human genome. Natural selection--Congress.