Maha Medhat Mohamed Elhakeem

Analysis of some drugs used in the treatment of urinary treact infections and gastroenteritis / تحليل بعض الادوية المستخدمة فى علاج التهابات الجهازين البولى والهضمى Maha Medhat Mohamed Elhakeem ; Supervised Sonia Talaat Hassib , Ramzia Ismail Elbagary , Hanaa Mohamed Abd El moneim Hashem - Cairo : Maha Medhat Mohamed Elhakeem , 2005 - 207P : diagrs ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Pharmacy - Department Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

In this thesis , methods of analysis of some fluoroquinolone antimicrobialsand some imidazole derivatives , present in combination with them , are proposedthe studies drugs are norfloxacin

Analysis Gastroenteritis Infections Treatment of urinary