Marin , T.

Progetto italiano junior : corso multimediale di lingua e civilta ̀€italiana / T. Marin, A. Albano. - Roma , Italy : EdiLingua , 2012. - 173 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.+ 1 audio disc (4 3/4 in.) + 1 DVD (4 3/4 in.).

"Livello B1"--Cover.

All General.

System requirements for Windows version: IBM PC-AT or 100% compatible; minimum 640KB RAM; minimum 2 MB hard disk space available (6MB for sound); Windows 3.1 or higher; CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD extensions 2.1 or higher; Soundblaster v. 2.0 or higher for sound (optional); Hayes compatible phone modem for ON-LINE, auto dialer support (optional).


Italian language--Problems, exercises, etc.
Italian language--Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers.
Italian language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.