Dallia Saad Abd El Kadr

Comparative study between sevoflurane and target controlled infusion of propofol in patients undergoing short surgical procedure / دراسة مقارنة بين عقارى السيفوفلورين و حقن عقار البروبوفول بجرعة محكمة لمرضى سوف يجرى لهم تدخل جراحى Dallia Saad Abd El Kadr ; Supervised Amr Zaki Mansour , Wafea Mohamed AlSadek , Mohamed Farouk Youssef - Cairo : Dallia Saad Abd El Kadr , 2004 - 152P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Anaesthesia

Sevoflurane is a new inhalational agent , which can be used as a solo agent for induction and maintenance of anesthesiaUsing Target controlled infusion systems simplify the delivery of propofol when it is used as induction and maintenance of anesthesia and make the delivery of the drug accurateBoth drugs can be used for shot surgical procedure when rapid awaking is required , however sevoflurane consider cheaper than propofol

Sevoflurane , propofol Target controlled infusion Total intravenous anesthesia Volatile induction maintenance anesthesia