Di-Capua, Yoav, 1970-

Gatekeepers of the Arab past : historians and history writing in twentieth-century Egypt / Yoav Di-Capua. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2009 - 389 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index .

Historicizing Ottoman Egypt : 1890-1906 -- Talking history : 1906-1920 -- The ʻAb̄din̄ house of records : the 1920s -- Competing for history : 1930-1952 -- Ghurbal̄'s school : 1930-1952 -- Partisan historiography : the 1940s and beyond -- Demonstrating history : the 1950s -- Controlling history : the 1960s -- Authoritarian pluralism : 1970-2000.

0520257332 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9780520257337


Egypt--History--20th century.