TY - BOOK AU - Bresler,Liora AU - Cooper,David E. AU - Palmer-Cooper,Joy A. TI - Fifty modern thinkers on education : : from Piaget to the present day / SN - 041522408X PY - 2001/// CY - London ; , New York : PB - Routledge, KW - Education KW - History KW - 20th century KW - Philosophy KW - Educators KW - Biography N1 - Prepared by Unesco and the International Institute of Philosophy with an introduction by Paul Ricœur"--Cover; Includes bibliographical references; Alphabetical list of contents --; Notes on Contributors --; Preface --; A.S. Neill, 1883-1973 /; Peter Hobson --; Susan Isaacs, 1885-1948 /; Robert Hinshelwood --; Harold Rugg, 1886-1960 /; Stephen J. Thornton --; Ludwig Wittgenstein, 189-1951 /; Nicholas C. Burbules; and; Michael Peters --; Martin Heidegger, 1889-1976 /; Michael Bonnett --; Herbert Edward Read, 1893-1968 /; Stephen Mark Dobbs --; Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, 1896-1934 /; Alexander Ardichvili --; Jean Piaget, 1896-1980 /; Leslie Smith --; Michael Oakeshott, 1901-92 /; Anthony O'Hear --; Carl Rogers, 1902-87 /; Eleanor Feinberg; and; Walter Feinberg --; Ralph Winifred Tyler, 1902-94 /; Elliot W. Eisner --; Burrhus Frederic Skinner, 1904-90 /; Torsten Huse{u00B4}n --; Harry Broudy, 1905-98 /; Liora Bresler --; Simone Weil, 1909-43 /; Richard Smith --; Joseph J. Schwab, 1910-88 /; Ian Westbury; and; Margery D. Osborne --; Clark Kerr, 1911- /; Debra D. Bragg; and; Frankie S. Laanan --; Benjamin S. Bloom, 1913-99 /; Torsten Huse{u00B4}n --; Jerome S. Bruner, 1915- /; Howard Gardner --; Torsten Huse{u00B4}n, 1916- /; T. Neville Postlewaite --; Lee J. Cronbach, 1916- /; Torsten Huse{u00B4}n --; Donald Thomas Campbell, 1916-96 /; Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon --; Maxine Greene, 1917- /; Christine Thompson --; R.S. Peters, 1919- /; John White --; John I. Goodlad, 1920- /; Jianping Shen --; Paulo Freire, 1921- /; Michael W. Apple,; Luis Armando Gandin; and; A{u00B4}lvara Moreira Hypolito -- t Seymour B. Sarason, /; Andrew Hargreaves --; Israel Scheffler, 1923- /; Harvey Siegel --; Jean-Franco̧is Lyotard, 1924-98 /; Michalinos Zembylas --; Lawrence A. Cremin, 1925-90 /; James D. Anderson --; Basil Bernstein F., 1925-2000 /; Ivor F. Goodson --; Michel Foucault, 1926-84 /; Michael Peters --; Margaret Donaldson, 1926- /; Martin Hughes --; Ivan Illich, 1926- /; David A. Gabbard; and; Dana L. Stuchul --; Lawrence Kohlberg, 1927-87 /; K. Peter Kuchinke --; Paul H. Hirst, 1927- /; Terence H. McLaughlin --; Philip Wesley Jackson, 1928- /; Elliot W. Eisner --; Jane Roland Martin, 1929- /; Susan Laird --; Nel Noddings, 1929- /; David J. Flinders -- Jur̈gen Habermas, 1929- /; Keith Morrison --; Carl Bereiter, 1930- /; David R. Olson --; Pierre Bourdieu, 1930- /; Ingo{u00B4}lfur A{u00B4}sgeir Jo{u00B4}hannesson; and; Thomas S. Popkewitz --; Neil Postman, 1931- /; Dan Inbar --; Theodore R. Sizer, 1932- /; Tamar Levin --; Elliot Eisner, 1933- /; P. Bruce Uhrmacher --; John White, 1931- /; Eamonn Callan --; Lee S. Shulman, 1938- /; Pam Grossman; and; Sam Wineburg --; Michael W. Apple, 1942- /; Carlos Antonio Torre --; Howard Gardner, 1943- /; Mindy L. Kornhaber --; Henry Giroux, 1943- /; Keith Morrison -- Linda Darling-Hammond, 1951- /; Ann Lieberman ER -