Hellen̄oaigyptiaka archaiologika symposia 1992, 1993, 1994= Hellenic Egyptian archeological symposia 1992, 1993, 1994 / 1994-1993-1992 :ندوات الآثار اليونانية المصرية Hellen̄oaigyptiakoi dialogoi 1992, 1993, 1994. Hellenic Egyptian archeological symposia 1992, 1993, 1994. [John T. Swanson ... et. al]. - [Cairo] : Cultural Section of the Embassy of Greece in Egypt, [1994]. - 188 p. ; 24 cm.

An introduction to Hellenistic Egypt / John T. Swanson.-- Magic in the social relations of the graeco-roman world / Zeinab Tawfik.-- L'art plastique vu dans les travaux des quelques poet̀es de l'Epoque Alexandrine.-- Hellenistic Age-Callimachus / Mahmoud Sakr.-- Isis in the Greco-Roman world, with a special reference to Plutarchus' treatise Peri Isidos kai Osiridos.

Civilization, Greco-Roman.
Greece--Civilization--Egyptian influences.

Egypt--Antiquities, Greek--Congresses.
Egypt--Civilization--Greek influences.