Language and speech profiles in patients with turner syndrome /
انماط اللغه والنطق فى مرضى متلازمة تيرنر
Rasha Abdelhalim Sherif ; Supervised Essam Aly Abdelnaby , Sahar Saad Shohdi , Azza Adel Aziz
- Cairo : Rasha Abdelhalim Sherif , 2009
- 111 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T
Tuner syndrome(TS)is a genetic disorder that is usually the result of sporadic chromosomal non disjunction causing complete or partial absence of an X chromosome in a phenotypic female(45X).The main features of Turner syndrome are short stature,ovarian dysgenesis neck webbing congenital peripheral lymphoedema coarctation of the aorta
Cognitive deficits Language and speech disorders Tuner syndrome