الإِمْكَانَاتُ التّرْكِيبيّةُ المُوَازِيَةُ للقَوَاعِدِ في الدّرَاسَاتِ النحْويّةِ /
Syntactic potentials parallel to grammar in grammar studies.
اعداد رمضان خميس محمد محفوظ ؛ تحت إشراف ا.د. ياسر حسن رجب.
- 191 صفحة . : ايضاحيات؛ 30سم. CD.
أطروحة (ماجستير)-جامعة القاهرة، 2022.
ببليوجرافية صفحات :
تناولت هذه الدراسة الحديث عن الإمكانات التركيبية الموازية للقواعد في الدراسات النحوية، وهذه الإمكانات هي ظواهر لغوية أتاحها لسان العرب تسير إلى جوار القاعدة الأصلية في تناسق وانسجام، وتُعد بمثابة قواعد مكملة لها ،وقد حاول الباحث حصر هذه الإمكانات وبيان مظاهرها، وكذلك كان لهذه الإمكانات مسوغات فسرت سبب وجودها كالحمل على المعنى والتغليب وتنزيل الشيء منزلة غيره والتخفيف وغير ذلك، وأيضا ترتب على تلك الإمكانات قيم وآثار نحوية ،فتناول الباحث كل ذلك بالدراسة والتحليل، ثم ختم البحث بأهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث ثم الفهارس العلمية. , in terms of their appearance, rationale, and grammatical values The search came with an introduction, a preface, two chapters and a conclusion As for the introduction, it includes a discussion of the importance of research, the reasons for its selection and previous studies of the subject, as well as the method of research and has been done. And my mother Preface, which shows the bumping of the port structures for the rules And their properties, and the difference between them and all tensile and interpretation, and included Researchers The first is entitled: the Turkic possibilities parallel to its bases and properties The second is entitled: The difference between the two and the two, and the difference between the two CLINCH Ifont The first is entitled Basics of the Rule in Grammar The second, entitled Grammar Pathways on the Reconciliation of Rule and Use, highlighted the bases of grammatical rule and the foundations that have been established. It has to, and so does the grammar of how to deal with what went outside the original rules. And chapter two is entitled: Manifests of grammatical constructivist potentialities, characteristics, and grammatical values. And it included two thirds of the subjects: For the first title, Purgatory and the Greek potential parallel to grammatical grammars. The second is entitled Parallel Synthetic Possibilities, and the third is entitled Grammar of Parallel Synthetic Possibilities In this chapter, I tried to investigate and limit the structural potential and explained why it was near the original rule. I also observed a number of grammatical values for the constructivist capabilities, such as grammatical flexibility, grammatical inconsistency, and grammatical inconsistency Finally, the material, in which he revealed the findings of the research, including • The parallel syntactic potentials are complementary to the original grammar, and it is necessary to take them into account next to the original grammar, as the two grammars together make up what may be called the all-encompassing rule of different linguistic styles, and eventually what can be called. Rule number one