شيماء خيري عبد المجيد شحاته،

الفقر وعمالة الأطفال في مصر / Poverty and Child Labour in Egypt اعداد شيماء خيري عبد المجيد شحاته ؛ اشراف ا.د. هشام حسن مخلوف، ا.د. وفاء عبدالعزيز حسين. - 106صفحة. : ايضاحيات؛ 30سم. CD.

أطروحة (ماجستير)-جامعة القاهرة، 2022.

ببليوجرافيا: صفحات. 100-106.

تعد ظاهرة عمالة الاطفال مشكلة خطيرة وتعانى منها كثير من الدول وخاصة دول العالم الثالث ، ومصر تواجه كثير من التحديات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية مثل اتساع دائرة الفقر الامر الذى ساعد على انتشار ظاهرة عمالة الاطفال بالمجتمع المصرى The purpose of study was to test the association between children’s labour and poverty in the age group (6-17) and their characteristics and their households’ characteristics. Also, the study explored the demographic, and socio-economic factors affecting child labor considering that there was a causal/ reciprocal relationship between poverty and child labour.
The study sample consisted of 14548 children in the age group (6-17) years and utilized descriptive analysis methods and the technique of Conditional Mixed Process based on probit models for poverty and child labour. It was concluded that as the highest poverty is among working children. There was a positive association of child poverty and child labour with child age. The male child was more likely to work as a child labour and to be poor than a female child. Child’s education was negatively associated with child poverty and child labour. Also, there was a negative association of child poverty and child labour with the educational level of household head. The household size was positively correlated with child poverty, whereas it had a negative association with child labour. A child whose household head worked as white collar had a lower risk to be in poverty.

النص بالعربية والملخص بالإنجليزية.

الفقر - مصر--مصر.

عمالة الاطفال التحديات الاجتماعية الفقر
