أمانى أحمد عبد الحليم سليم،

السموم فى مصر خلال العصر الرومانى فى ضوء الاوراق البردية، 30ق.م-284م / Poisons in Egypt Through Roman Era In Light of Papyrus 30 BC–284 AD اعداد أمانى أحمد عبد الحليم سليم ؛ اشراف محمد حمدى ابراهيم، رضا عبدالجواد رسلان، رجب سلامة عمران. - 2022.

أطروحة (ماجستير)-جامعة القاهرة، 2022.

ببليوجرافيا: ص. 126-142.

Egyptian society has been exposed to willful killing by poisoning, in addition to various forms of unintentional killing, and these toxins have been associated with several factors that led to their emergence or contributed to their spread, and the toxins had a great impact on social and economic life in general, the state made numerous attempts to limit the spread Poisons, but they failed due to the use of some toxic substances in the manufacture of drugs, and narcotic substances were also used in surgical operations for anesthesia, and such materials were sold by perfumers, which made them easy to handle, and such toxic substances have multiple uses as they were used. in the treatment of many diseases. Poisons are used in works of magic and sorcery for the sake of control, and may were also used in folk medicine and witchcraft medicine that depends on religious and magical medicine, and the various aspects of crimes, assaults and poisoning killings throughout the ages, and extended to the Ptolemaic era and then the Roman era, and with the spread and circulation of drugs that considered poisons as a part Some of them made poisons from the materials in circulation, and they spread to the extent that there was a movement of selling and buying internally, exporting and importing from abroad, as there were taxes imposed on such toxic materials as they were imposed on drugs, and the sources of these toxins were several as they depended heavily on poisonous and narcotic plants that were More common and widespread in Egypt during the Roman era, as poisonous animals played an important role in the processes of poisoning by stinging. There were also toxic metals, but they were much less prevalent than plant and animal poisons. and to reduce and prevent toxins, the Egyptians used to use spells and make magic amulets, and the dignitaries and individuals in the country, who are considered the most vulnerable to poisoning, made a lot of efforts to make and use antidotes. On an ongoing basis, as many antidotes were made and tried to prove their adequacy, but most of these antidotes were ineffective, which made many turn to priests and temples in order to obtain magical remedies, and to offer sacrifices to the gods for protection from poisoning: This study is divided into an introduction and three chapters. The first chapter deals with ”poisons and their use,” while the second chapter deals with ”poisons in social life,” and finally the third chapter


النباتات السامة.
