Effect of rare earth ion substitution on the electric and magnetic properties of mn - zn ferrite /
تأثير احلال العناصر الارضية النادرة على الخواص الكهربية والمغناطيسية لفريت المنجنيز زنك
Abeer Kamal Abdelaziz Ali ; Supervised M.A.Ahmed , E.Ateia Elfarahaty , L.M.Salah
- Cairo : Abeer Kamal Abdelaziz Ali , 2004
- 178 P : ill. ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Physics
The ferrite samples with the general formula Mn1 - xZnxRyFe2 - yO4 , where R is the rare earth element , x and y are variables were prepared by the standard ceramic double sintering technique All prepared samples were presintered at 900C for 30 hours with a heating rate of 4C / min and the final sintering were performed at 1200C for 50 hours with the same rate as that of presintering
Electric and magnetic Properties of mn - zn ferrite