Impact of replacing soybean meal with sunflower meal, sesame meal or black seed meal in rations of barki lambs on growth performance /
أثر استبدال كسب الصويا بكسب عباد الشمس ، كسب السمسم أو كسب الحبة السوداء في علائق حملان البرقي على كفاءة النمو
Abderrahim Belkasim Ali Chiab ; Hisham, El-Banna , Ali Mohamed Ali , Reham Roshdi EL-Tanany
- 2022.
Thesis (M.Sc.)-Cairo Univsersity - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal Production
Bibliography: p. 66-67.
This study was carried out to investigate the impact of replacing soybean meal by different protein sources in lambs’ ration on nutrients digestibility and growth performance. Four experimental concentrate feed mixtures were formulated to contain soybean meal (SBM) as a source of protein only or mixed with either sunflower meal (SFM), sesame meal (SSM) or black seed meal (BSM). Concentrate feed mixture (CFM) which contained SBM is CFM1, while in the other experimental concentrate feed mixtures, CFM2, CFM3 and CFM4, contained either SFM, SSM or BSM respectively, to cover 50% of soybean meal protein. So, the rations were divided according to four rations R1: CFM1+Hay, R2: CFM2+Hay, R3: CFM3+ Hay, R4: CFM4+Hay. Twenty-eight growing male lambs Barki with in average body weight 38.6 ± 0.4 Kg, age 6-7 months. Lambs were divided, according to their body weight, into 4 groups (7 for each) for 120 days’ growth trial. Animals groups were randomly assigned to feed one of the experimental concentrate feed mixtures at 3% of the live body weight plus 1% of live body weight clover hay as high-quality roughage. Digestion trail for 21 days was carried out by using twelve adult sheep (3 for each group). There were insignificant (P<0.05) differences among groups in the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract and crude fiber. At other hand, there was insignificant (P<0.05) difference between R1 and R4 in the digestibility of crude protein and nitrogen free extract which were significantly (P<0.05) differed for R2 and R3 compared with R1. Nutritive value, as TDN and DCP, was insignificantly (P<0.05) increased with R4, but it significantly (P<0.05) decreased with R2 and R3 compared with R1. There were insignificant (P>0.05) differences among the experimental rations in rumen parameters, and all of these rumen parameters were in normal ranges. The highest relative economic efficiency was recorded (102.3%) with R4. from the previous results it could be concluded that can be replace 50% from soybean meal protein by the same portion of black seed meal protein in growing lambs ration without any adverse effects on growth performance.