Mohamed Abd El basset Mustafa Mohamed Sleem,

Prevalence of oral mucosal alterations in a sample of Egyptian patients with cardiovascular diseases : A hospital based cross-sectional study / نسب التغير في الغشاء الفموى بالمرضي المصريين المصابين بامراض القلب والاوعيه الدمويه : دراسة مقطعية by Mohamed Abd El basset Mustafa Mohamed Sleem ; Supervisors Weam Ahmed Maher Rashawn, Noha Hassanin Mohamed. - 2021.

Thesis (M.Sc.)-Cairo University,2021.

Bibliography: p. 97-102.

Aim: The aim of the current study was to determine the prevalence of oral mucosal alterations in cardiovascular patients TREATED FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASDES and to investigate the presence of a possible relation between different cardiovascular diseases, drugs and oral manifestations. Methodology: Three hundred and thirty-eight adult patients had diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases at Kasr Al-Einy Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, were exanimated for oral signs and symptoms as oral dryness, dysphagia and burning sensation. The patients were also clinically examined to report any oral lesions in oral mucosa such as lichenoid reactions, xerostomia, and gingival enlargements. Results: Oral manifestations were recorded in 253 (74.8%) patients as adverse effect to cardiovascular drugs. The most common manifestation was gingival overgrowth (50.3%),followed by xerostomia (40%), burning sensation (21%) ,dysphagia (10.65%), and lichenoid reaction (1.47%). The drugs found to most commonly cause xerostomia were combination of NGDs + antiplatelet, congestive heart failure drugs, beta blocker and BBDs +diuretics, while the most common to cause burning sensation were CCBs+ antiplatelet and Congestive heart failure drugs. The most known cause of gingival over growth was calcium channel blocker drugs.Conclusions: Patients who are being treated for a cardiovascular illness will almost always experience an adverse oral event such as xerostomia, burning sensation or gingival overgrowth. Concomitant symptomatic oral care should be provided to these patients to better their quality of life.

