Study of binary and ternary complexes involving amino acids , peptides and DNA constituents /
دراسة المتراكبات الثنائية و المختلطة المرافق و المحتوية على الاحماض الامينية و الببتيدات و مكونات DNA
Fatma Mohsen Hussien Nasr ; Supervised Mohamed Mohamed Shoukry , Mohamed Refaat Shehta
- Cairo : Fatma Mohsen Hussien Nasr , 2006
- 199P. : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Inorganic Chemistry
The complex[Pd (SMC) Cl2].H2O is synthesized and characterized.Stoichiometry and stabillity constants of the complexes formed between[Pd (SMC) (H2O) 2]and various biologically relevant ligands (amino acids , peptides
Comlex - formantion equilibria S - methyl - L - cysteine (SMC)