Productive performance of damascus dairy goats fed rations containing extruded full-fat linseed and soybean seed /
/الأداء الإنتاجي للماعز الدمشقي الحلابة المغذاه على علائق محتوية على بذور الكتان وفول الصويا كاملة الدهن المعاملة بالبثق الحراري.
by Omar Abd El-Hakem Sayed Eid ; Supervisors: dr. Mohamed Sayed Farghaly ,dr. Mohamed Ahmed Hanafy , dr. Hossam Mahrous Abd El-Aziz.
- 84 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. + CD.
Thesis (M.Sc.)-Cairo University,2022
Bibliography: pages 72-84.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of partial inclusion of extruded full-fat linseed and soybean seed in rations on the performance of dairy Damascus goats. Sixty dairy goats in average live weight (40 ±1 kg), and lactation seasons (2nd to 3rd), were divided into 4 groups, each group contained 15 goats according to the season of lactation and live body weight. The experimental rations were consisted of 66% concentrate feed mixture (CFM) and 34% corn silage. The CFM in rations were as follow: CFM without extruded oilseeds (R1); CFM with 2.5% extruded linseed + 2.5% extruded soybean seeds (R2); CFM with 5% extruded linseed (R3), and CFM with 5% extruded soybean seeds (R4). Milk yield was recorded, milk composition and fatty acids profile were determined, digestion coefficients, nutritive values, and some blood parameters were determined. Results of total digestible nutrients (TDN) cleared the positive effects of extruded oil seeds in goat rations, Animals in R3 and R4 recorded significant (P<0.05) increases of TDN being 73.98% and 77.18% respectively. Milk yield recorded an increase of actual and (4%) fat corrected milk with R2 (1253,1080), R3 (1481,1290) and R4 (1382,1108) more than R1 (1201,1021) respectively. Milk fat was significantly higher (P<0.05) with R3 (3.14%) compared to other rations. Values of linolenic acid C18:3 were higher with R3 (0.57) followed by R2 (0.49) then R1 (0.30) compared to R4 (0.26). Blood cholesterol was higher with R4 (34mg/dl) followed by R2 (22mg/dl), R3 (19.20 mg/dl) and R1 (9.6 mg/dl). Using of extruded seeds in rations had a positive effect on the relative economic efficiency, which recorded 172, 237, and 209 %, respectively, for each of R2, R3, and R4, as the milk contains Omega 3 and Omega 6. Summing up, the addition of oil seeds especially linseed in the extruded form in rations had a positive significant effect on the performance of dairy goats هدفت هذه الدراسة الي تقييم تاثير الإضافة الجزئية لبذور الكتان وفول الصويا المبثوقة كاملة الدسم في تكوين العلائق التجريبية بحيث تحتوي علي خليط من (2.5% بذور الكتان المعاملة حرارياً + 2.5% بذور فول الصويا المعاملة حرارياً) و 5% من بذور الكتان المعاملة حرارياً و 5% من بذور فول الصويا المعاملة حرارياً. وأوضحت نتائج التجربة أن المعاملات المضاف اليها 5% من بذور الكتان او بذور الصويا كان لها تاثيراً إيجابياً علي الأداء الإنتاجي للماعز الدمشقي من حيث كمية اللبن المنتج ومحتوي اللبن من الاحماض الدهنية المفيدة لصحة الحيوان والانسان وذات عائد ايجابي علي الكفاءة الاقتصادية النسبية حيث سجلت 172 , 237 , 209% علي التوالي لكل من المعاملة الثانية والثالثة ثم الرابعة لاحتواء الحليب علي اوميجا 3 واوميجا 6