Mutation breeding in quinoa for improving seed yield and quality under salt affected soil conditions /
التربية بالطفرات في الكينوا لتحسين محصول وجودة البذور تحت ظروف الأراضي المتأثرة بالملوحة /
By Mai Moghazi Abul-Fetouh El-Moghazi; Supervisors: Dr. Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar, Dr. Rabia Mohamed Abd El-Salam, Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Abd El Hamid
- 292 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. + CD.
Thesis (Ph.D)-Cairo University, 2024.
Bibliography: pages 292-263.
Quinoa is known to be more productive under saline conditions than most food crops; they differ in their tolerance to salinity. Variability within quinoa genotypes does not allow an efficient selection. Gamma rays were used to broaden genetic variability, to practice an efficient selection in the M mutated generation. The main
2 objective of the present study was to induce new mutants of quinoa, of high seed yield and good quality under salinity-affected soil conditions of Egypt. A preliminary experiment proved that the proper dose for the induction of useful mutations is 250 Gy; accordingly, we used it to irradiate the 19 quinoa genotypes. Laboratorial and green house experiments were also conducted to evaluate the 19 quinoa genotypes under elevated salinity levels (3000, 6000, and 9000 ppm NaCl) at different growth stages. At germination and seedling stages, the four most salinity-tolerant quinoa genotypes under all studied salinity stress conditions were Rainbow-2, Ql3, RH, and KvlSRA2. In pots experiment, based on salinity tolerance index (STI) calculated across all studied traits at age of 45 days, the five genotypes were tolerant to all salinity stress levels. Field experiments were conducted during the three growing seasons 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 at the Experimental Farm of the Ras Sudr Station, Desert Research Center, South Sinai Governorate to evaluate 19 quinoa genotypes, non-irradiated and irradiated in the M , M and M generations for
1 2 3 agronomic, seed yield and its attributes. Field evaluation of 19 non-irradiated quinoa genotypes across three seasons under salinity-affected soil conditions of Ras Sudr showed wide differences for all studied traits. The promising genotype(s) for each trait were identified. The highest seed yield/fed was recorded by the genotype Q13 followed by Di-17. The traits, that showed high genetic advance, high heritability and a significant and positive correlation coefficient with seed yield/plant (chlorophyll concentration index, branches/plant, inflorescences/plant, leaf area, inflorescence weight), showed also wide variability among quinoa genotypes at the phenotypic and genotypic levels and therefore are recommended as selection criteria for salinity tolerance of quinoa in the field. Irradiation of the 19 quinoa genotypes caused, in the M generation, a significant decrease in all studied traits, except in days to flowering
2 and seeds/plant, which increased. Maximum gain from selection in M ’s for seed yield
2 would be expected to be 15.45% from G-l3 (I) followed by 11.71% from R-103 (I). Field evaluation of 12 putative mutants (selected in M ) and their 12 parents under
2 salinity-affected soil conditions showed superiority of the mutants to their parents in seed yield per feddan ranging from 1% for RH-S to 26.8% for Chipaya-S. The mutants recorded significantly higher means than their parents for nine amino acids. The molecular marker SCoT proved that the mutants are genetically different from their parents and could be offered to plant breeders for use in the future. كان الهدف الأساسى للدراسة هو استحداث طفرات جديدة من الكينوا ذات محصول بذور وجودة عاليين تحت ظروف التربة المتاثرة بالملوحة فى مصر. صممت التجارب الحقلية فى المزرعة التجريبية برأس سدر محافظة جنوب سيناء لتقييم 19 تركيب وراثى غير المشععة والمشععة فى الأجيال الطفورية الأول والثانى والثالث. تم تحديد التراكيب الوراثية الواعدة تحت كل صفة. التقييم الحقلى لعدد 12 طفرة محتملة وعدد 12 أب لهذه الطفرات تحت ظروف تربة متأثرة بالملوحة أظهر تفوقا للطفرات على أبائها فى محصول بذور الفدان تراوح بين 1% و26.8%. سجلت الطفرات متوسطات اعلى معنويا على ابائها فى تسعة احماض امينية. أثبت المعلم الجزيئى SCoT أن الطفرات مختلفة وراثيا عن أبائها ويمكن للمربى الاستفادة منها مستقبليا.