Electroanalytical studies using new ion - selective electrodes for determination of verapamil hydrochloride as antihypertensive drug /
دراسات كهروتحليلية بإستخدام أقطاب أيونية إنتقائية جديدة لتقدير هيدروكلوريد الفيراباميل كدواء مثبط للضغط
Mona Mohammed Abdelmoety ; Supervised Y. M. Issa , S. S. Badawey , M. A. Elries
- Cairo : Mona Mohammed Abdelmoety , 2009
- 155 Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Analytical Chemistry
This work has been carried out to present and characterize new plastic membrane coated wire and chemically modified carbon paste electrodes for the determination of one of the important antihypertensive drugs ( verapamil hydrochloride ) ( VpCI )