Relation of asymmetric dimethylariginine(ADMA)to different stages of nephropathy in diabetic patients /
علاقة ثنائى ميثيل الارجنين غير المتماثل بالمراحل المختلفة لاعتلال الكلى فى مرضى الداء السكرى
Ahmed Akef Fahmy ; Supervised Mohamed Hany Hafez , Khaled Younes Mohamed , Ashraf Mahmoud Genina
- Cairo : Ahmed Akef Fahmy , 2008
- 149P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis(M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine
The study included 1o non - diabetic controls and 75 diabetic patients (grouped according to urinary aurinary albumin excretion and ESRD on haemodialysis and renal transplantation)having full battery of laboratory investigations and serum ADMA level