Khaled Abdelmohsen Emam

Effect of some fertilizer treatments on robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings grown under stress of different levels of salinity / تأثير بعض المعاملات السمادية على شتلات الروبينيا النامية تحت إجهادات مختلفه من الملوحة Khaled Abdelmohsen Emam ; Supervised Atef Zakaria Sarhan , Hazem Abdelgalil Mansour , Safwat Labib Maximous - Cairo : Khaled Abdelmohsen Emam , 2008 - 126P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis(Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Ornamental Horticulture

This study was carried out at the nursery of ornamental horticulture This study was conduxted aiming to study the effect of different rates of potassium fertilizers on vegetative growth of robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings grown in sandy and calcareous soils under stress of different levels of salinity and how to decrease the harmfull effects of salinily using two sources of potassium

Fertilizer Robinia Salinity