Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Negida

Role of laparoscopy in pancreatic surgery / دور منظار البطن الجراحى فى علاج امراض البنكرياس Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Negida ; Supervised Kaiss Abdeldayem Abulata , Fahim Aly Elbassiony , Hesham Mahmoud Salah Eldin Amer - Cairo : Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Negida , 2008 - 102P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis(Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery

Laparoscopy has a very important role in management of pancreatic diseases either as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool the present work is concerned with the assessment of the diagnostic and therapeutic potentials of laparoscopy in the management of 26 consecutive patients presenting with pancreatic lesions to a surgical section in Kasr Elainy teaching hospital

Jej Laparoscopy Laparoscopy pancreas