Ahmed Emad Eldin Hussen Fayyad

Invitro evaluation of retention and stress pattern of telescopes and ball and socket attachments / تقييم معملى لقوة الإبقاء والإجهاد لكل من التلسكوب والتجويف والكره كروابط دقيقه أووصلات دقيقه أومثبتات Ahmed Emad Eldin Hussen Fayyad ; Supervised Khaled A. Zekry , Iman Abdelwahab - Cairo : Ahmed Emad Eldin Hussen Fayyad , 2008 - 128P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis(M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Prosthodontics

This study was performed to compare the retention of telescopic retainers and ball and socket attachments using the universal testing machine and their effect on the stress distribution to the supporting structures around four interforaminal implants supporting an overdenture under both vertical and oblique loading using strain gauge technology

Implents Overdenture Strain gauge analysis