Planning the environmental landfill from mega cities : case study15th of May city /
Samah Reda Mohamed Shaalan ; Supervised , Bahaa Hafez Bakery , Shakinaz Taha Elsheltawy
- Cairo : Samah Reda Mohamed Shaalan , 2006
- 159 P : ill. ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Architectural Engineering
Mega city is complex opened urban ecosystem , which consumes huge amounts of materials and energy to does its function and produces products and huge amounts of wastes , which effect negatively on the ecological systemMega city can be semi - closed system if its wastes are managed properly using reduction , recycling , and finally using landfill for ultimate disposal Planning the environmental landfill for mega city should take into consideration morphology of the city , and achieving the sustainability concepts by using the landfill gas as a source of energy and by useful uses of landfill site after closure In case landfill is planned according to environmental concepts , of course it will lead to appropriate solution for dealing with the accumulation of solid wastes in multi disciplinary way to meat economical , social , health and environmental needs The research consists of two parts ; the first part (the theoretical approach) is divided into three chaptersChapter one explains the criteria used for choosing location of landfill sitetaking into consideration the morphology of the city and dealing with the city as an urban ecosystemChapter two clarifies solid waste management functional elements , program , and concerning on solid waste management in developing countriesChapter three analyzes the environmental landfill according to design features , operation procedures , and after closure uses and careThe second part (the practical application) consists of two chaptersChapter four introduces the Egyptian system for solid waste management and assesses its performanceChapter five focuses on the case of 15th of May City given the outline of the city , its solid waste management , and then analyzes its landfill The research concludes general points for benefits of environmental landfill , and reasons for weakness of solid waste management in Egypt ; also it concludes manual for planning's steps of environmental landfill
landfill leachate Mega cities solid waste SWM urban ecosystem