Certain ecological and biological aspects of the red - striped soft scale insect pulvinaria tenuivalvata newstead infesting sugarcane /
بعض الخواص البيئية والبيولوجية للحشرة القشرية الرخوة Pulvinaria tenuivalvataالتى تصيب قصب السكر
Ragab Shaker Abd El Rahman Mohamed ; Supervised Ezz_ElDine Abd El Samea ElShazly , Ismail Abd El Khalek Ismail
- Cairo : Ragab Shaker Abd El Rahman Mohamed , 2006
- 215p ; ill ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Economic Entomology and Pesticides
The red - striped soft scale insect Pulvinaria tenuivalvata attacking sugar - cane at Attfieh region , Giza Governorate is considered an economic important insect pest on sugar - cane in Egypt recentlyThe main topics of this present study can be summarized as follows : Population dynamics of Ptenuivalvata , its rate of growth and survey of predators and parasitoids associated were conducted through careful inspection of sugar - cane fieldsNymphal infestation started from apical part of plant in the two studying seasonsAlso , adult infestation started on apical part of sugar - cane plant in first and second seasonsIn both seasons infestation disappear from January to the end of seasonNegative Correlation was found between the population density of Ptenuivalvata and temperature