Isis Moneer Awad

Immunochemical studies on some diseases in Egypt by the specific antibodies prepared in experimental animals / دراسات كيميائية مناعية على بعض الامراض فى جمهورية مصر العربية باستخدام الاجسام المضادة النوعية المحضرة فى حيوانات التجارب Isis Moneer Awad ; Supervised Nasri Ibrahim Badeer , Samir Eldeib Ebrahim , Ahmed M.Ibrahim - Cairo : Isis Moneer Awad , 2005 - 170p : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Zoology

Many plasma protein components present in minute amounts are known to be important for the identification of many metabolic processes and can help in the diagnosis of many human diseases However , there is a number of mechanisms that might lead to abnormally low plasma protein content

Antibodies Egypt Experimental animals