Bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy versus unilateral total and contra lateral subtotal thyroidectomy for the treatment of hyperthyroidism /
الاستئصال الجزئى للغدة الدرقية على الجانبين مقارنة بالاستئصال الكلى لفص والجزئى للفص الاخر للغدة الدرقية لعلاج زيادة نشاط الغدة الدرقية
Mahmoud Ahmed Taha ; Supervised Mohamed Khedr , Husain Mahmoud Khairy , Mohamed Said Elmarzouky
- Cairo : Mahmoud Ahmed Taha , 2009
- 114 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery
This work aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of unilateral total and contra lateral subtotal thyroidectomy versus bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy for the treatment of hyperthyroidism
Subtotal thyroidectomy Toxic multinodular goiter Unilateral total and contra lateral subtotal lobectomy