Biochemical studies on some commercial saccharomyces cerevlsae /
دراسات كيميائية حيوية على بعض انواع السكارومايس التجارية
Taoufik Ghiyas Allbabidi ; Supervised Hamdy Hasanein , Elshahat Ramadan , Mervat Elsayed
- Cairo : Taoufik Ghiyas Allbabidi , 2009
- 146 Leaves : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biochemistry
Seven industrial active dry baker`s yeast strains were isolated purified and further identified from different products . These yeasts were identified as S. cerevisiae. S. Cerevisiae SCC strain showed the best of fermentative characteristics so it was chosen for further study.For production of baker`s yeast the biochemicalcomposition of molasses was analyzed