Mohamed Mohamed Elmekkawey

A study of risk factors of Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis / دراسة عوامل الخطورة فى الالتهاب البريتونى البكترى التلقائى Mohamed Mohamed Elmekkawey ; Supervised Magdy Amin Elserafy , Maha Said Hasaballah , Hanan Abdelhaafez Hamed - Cairo : Mohamed Mohamed Elmekkawey , 2009 - 128P. : 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Tropical Medicine

Full history through clinical examination and routine laboratory investigation including blood pictures ESR liver and kidney function tests together with chemical bacteriological and cytological testing of the ascitic fluid were carried out . Also abdominal ultrasonogrphy and GIT endoscopy were done

Bacterial peritonitis Risk factors Spontaneous