AboelMagd Mohamed ElBohy

Role of High Resolution Sonography and Interventional Sonography in Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Hand Tendinopathy / دور الموجات الصوتية العادية و الموجات الصوتية التداخلية فى تشخيصوعلاج امراض اوتار اليد فى مرضى السكر AboElMagd Mohamed ElBohy ; Supervised Sahar Mostafa ElMashad , Khaled Tahseen ElHadidi , Reda Saad AbdAlLateef - Cairo : AboelMagd Mohamed ElBohy , 2006 - 193p ; ill , 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Radio-diagnosis

Objective To assess the role of high resolution sonography and interventional sonography in diagnosis and management of diabetic hand tendinopathy Methods : One hundred and two consecutive diabetic patients , along with 40 normal controls without a known history of diabetes were examined in the studyOf the diabetic patients , (76) females and (26) males , mean age years = 5383+96yrs , 91 had NIDDM and 11 had IDDMAll patients were subjected to clinical examination to assess the presence of diabetic cheiroarthropathy (DCA) by measuring the angle of extension at the PIPJ using a goniometer

Contracture Diabetes mellitus diabetic cheiroarthropathy hand , high resolution ultrasonography limited joint mobility tenosynovitis trigger finger