pharmacokinetics of enerofloxacin in healthy , coccidia - infected and treated chicken /
المسار الدوائى للانروفلوكساسين فى الدجاج السليم والمصاب بالكوكسيديا والمعالج
Rania Hamdy Eid Aly Hassan ; Supervised Mohamed Atef Ahmed Shehata , Hossny Awad Hassan Elbanna
- Cairo : Rania Hamdy Eid Aly Hassan , 2007
- 154P. ; 30Cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine - Department Of Veterinary Pharmacology
The aim of this work is to determine pharmacokinetic profile of enrofloxacin in healthy chicken , and coccidia infected chicken , in addition , coccidia infected - treated with either amprolium or toltrazuril this study also includes determination of enrofloxacin concentrations in different tissues and withdrawal time in each experiment