Mohi Eldeen Shawky Mohamed

Sedimentological and geochemical studies on hammamat sediment as a possible trap for radioactive minerals in North Eastern Africa / دراسة رسوبية وجيوكيميائية لرواسب الحمامات و امكانية احتوائها على المواد المشعة فى شمال شرق افريقيا Mohi Eldeen Shawky Mohamed ; Supervised Adel Saad Hasanean , Ashraf M.A.Wali , Sofia Yahia Afifi - Cairo : Mohi Eldeen Shawky Mohamed , 2007 - 154P. : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute Of African Research and Studies - Department Of Natural Resources

The present study dcats with geology , pctocrophy geochemistry and radioactivty of G.U.M tawat intra mountain barn as a posible trap fac radioactive mincral aproposile model are mad by the auther for finding a radioactive manieral in the bosin and consider this bosin as a host rock

Hammamat Radioactive Un tawat