Study of configuration of hypertrophic and keloid scars in poststernotomy scars and prophylaxis by silicone sheets /
دراسة التوصيف الشكلى للندبات الجراحية المتضخمة والكيلويد بعد عمليات شق عظمة القص والوقاية باستخدام شرائح السليكون
Ahmed Mohammed Badr Eldin Ali ; Supervised Ali Moftah Aziz , Mohammed Mahmoud Elesawy , Amr Bastawisy Ahmed
- Cairo : Ahmed Mohammed Badr Eldin Ali , 2009
- 108 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery
From the study, the following conclusions seem justified: Hpertrophic and keloid scars could occur everywhere in the body; however, the sternum is one of the commonest sites to develop hypertrophic and keloid scars especially following median sternotomy incision. The lower half of the sternotomy wound is more susceptible to develop hypertrophic and keloid scars than the upper half, regardless of the suture materials used in skin closure