Anesthetic management of anemia and perioperative cerebral outcome /
المعالجة التخديرية لمرض الأنيميا والأعراض المخية الناتجة عنه
Amr Abdallah Sayed Soliman ; Supervised Hoda Hassan Hussin Okasha , Dina Zakaria Mohamed , Eman Ahmed Foaad
- Cairo : Amr Abdallah Sayed Soliman , 2009
- 95P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
The lack of prospective and randomized clinical trials to assess neurological outcomes at different Hb levels severely restricts the ability to make clinical recommendations on how to mange anemic patients oatients in the perioperative setting . Characterization of complex hypoxic cellular mechanisms including hypoxia inducible factor (HPO ) neuronal nitric oxide synthase ( nNOS ) and erythropoietin (EPO ) which are activated in the brain of anemic animals may provide valuable preclinical information