Ibraheem Ali Elsayed Elgaidie

An optimum VoIP design and playout techniques / التصميم الأمثل لأنظمة نقل الصوت بواسطة بروتوكول الانترنت وتقنيات استعادة الصوت Ibraheem Ali Elsayed Elgaidie ; Supervised Amin Mohamed Nassar - Cairo : Ibraheem Ali Elsayed Elgaidie , 2009 - 92P. : charts ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electronics and Communication

We introduced an optimal generic Implementation model for VoIP systems and explained how such model can handle various VoIP application types . Also we evaluated modern adaptive playout mechanisms and introduced a new algorithm which tries to react better in silence periods since in modern VoIP systems silence suppression prevents empty voice packets transmission makes silence periods as a dark network conditions and increases playout alorithms loss if fast change in network jitter occurs

Voice over Internet protocol VoIP VoIP design