Michael Naguib Abdelmasih Abdelmalak

The effect of CTAW heat input on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of austenitic and super - austenitic stainless steels / تأثير المدخلات الحرارية الناتجة عن اللحام بطريقة القوس الكهربائى بالغاز الخامل واليكترود تنجستين على الخواص الميكانيكية ومقاومة التآكل للصلب الأوستنيتى والسوبر أوستنيتى غير القابل للصدأ Michael Naguib Abdelmasih Abdelmalak ; Supervised M. Raafat Elkoussy , Nahed A. Abdelraheem - Cairo : Michael Naguib Abdelmasih Abdelmalak , 2009 - 115P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Metallurgical Engineeing

Austenenitic stainless steels are considered the major contributor of the world stainless steel market . Since evolution of austenitic stainless steels started more than 90 years ago a continuous working on developing new grades of these steels to overcome the disabilities that face traditional austenitic stainless steels under certain service conditions

Heat Input Mechanical Properties Super - austenitic