Comparative study between laser lithotripsy and pneumatic lithotripsy in endoscopic management of ureteric stones /
دراسة مقارنة بين التفتيت بالليزر والتفتيت باستخدام الهواء المضغوط (الهوائى) فى علاج حصوات الحالب
Ayman Ismael Ismael Kasem ; Supervised Ahmed Samy Bedair , Mohamed Youssef Elgammal , Hany Mohamed Elfayoumy
- Cairo : Ayman Ismael Ismael Kasem , 2010
- 98P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Urology
This study compares the results of Holmium laser and pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripsy for ureteric calculi in terms of efficacy safety and complications . The study included 40 patients divided into two equal groups of laser lithotripsy (LL) and pneumatic lithotripsy . The study was conducted between April and December 2009 . Inclusion criteria were patients with a ureteric stone 0.5 - 2 cm. and negative urine culture