An evolutionary system for finding dominant scenarios via user profiles /
نظام متطور لايجاد السيناريوهات المسيطرة عبر التشكيلات الجانبية للمستخدم فى سجلات الويب
Yasmine Naseh Elmetwally Diab ; Supervised Nevin M. Darwish , Magda B. Fayek
- Cairo : Yasmine Naseh Elmetwally Diab , 2010
- 122P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Computer Engineering
This work presents an evolutionary system for finding optimal clusters of users' access patterns in web log files without knowing the number of clusters in advance . The heart of the system is a new iterative Evolutionary System for Finding Dominant Scenarios via User Profiles (ESYFind) . It is an iterative system that is based on enhanced versions of two clustering algorithms ; Enhanced Ant Tree No Threshold (EATNT ) and Enhanced Genetic K - means Clustering Algorithms (EGKA )
Ant Colony Clustering Clustering Genetic algorithm