Evaluation of laser effect and some additives on the growth and yield of ocimum basilicum /
تقييم تاثير الليزر وبعض الاضافات على نمو ومحصول نبات الريحان
Mohammed Abdelmotaal Mohammed Osman Elkerati ; Supervised Alsayed Abdelmagied Alsherbini , Tarek Abdallah Eltaybe , Souad Ahmed Farghly Elfeky
- Cairo : Mohammed Abdelmotaal Mohammed Osman Elkerati , 2009
- 383 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences - Department of Leaser Application in Environmental Photochemistry ,Photobiology and Agricultural
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum ) is a common herb used for culinary and medicinal purposes . The essential oils of different sweet basil chemotypes contain various proprtions of the allyl phenol derivatives estragole (methyl chavicol ) eugenol and methl eugenol as well as the monoterpene alcohol linalool . Sweet basil is grown in gardens for its flavorful and aromatic leaves for use in pesto and other sauces