Amel Ramadan Omar

Comparative anatomical studies on the cranial nerves of the lizard agama sinata / دراسات تشريحية على الأعصاب الرأسية لسحلية قاضى الجبل سينلئى : أجاما سيناتا Amel Ramadan Omar ; Supervised Rashika Hussein Mstafa , Ibrahim Yehia Abdelkade , Abdelwahab Aboubakr Elghareeb - Cairo : Amel Ramadan Omar , 2009 - 101 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology

In Agama sinaita the nervi olfactorius opticus and octavus are sensory fibres where they arise from the sense organ and they enter the brain . The eye muscle nerves which are the nervi oculomotorius trochlearis and abducens are somatic motor fibres and they innervate the eye muscles . The ciliary ganglion is connected to the nervi oculomotorius and trigeminus

Agama sinaita Comparative anatomy Cranial nerves