On the accuracy of the local density approximation /
دقة التقريب للكثافة الداخلية
Samir Zakaria Ahmed Sayed Shora ; Supervised Mahmoud Yehia Ismail , Mahmou Mahmoud Osman , Hossam ElGebaly
- Cairo : Samir Zakaria Ahmed Sayed Shora , 2006
- 70p : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Physics
Chapter four we study the effect of neglecting s - dependence in the density dependent part of NN force on the direct part of HI interaction potentialOur calculations show that the effect of s - dependence is too strong for - interactionFor heavy nuclei , the value of the density distribution is nearly constant over a large distance measured from the center of the nucleus and the effect of s - dependence is small
dependence directpotential exchange potential HI potential