A rereading of George Bernard Shaw as a Romantic dramatist /
إعادة قراءة للكاتب المسرحى جورج برنارد شو باعتباره كاتبا مسرحيا رومانسيا
Hadia Mostafa Maher Mohamed ; Supervised Azza Fahmy
- Cairo : Hadia Mostafa Maher Mohamed , 2010
- 154 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.A.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English
The thesis attempts to prove that the dramatist George Bernard Shaw is Romantic dramatist despite his conscious revolt against Romanticism . Three selected plays are compared to the Romantics . In this extensive use is made of Romantic poetry and ideas . The plays selected for this study are Man and Superman (1903) Pygmalion (1912) and Saint Joan (1923)